Generic Spirulina - , Spirulina, Super Greenhills | Bitcoin Pharmacy

Spirulina® spirulina1mgSpirulina

The contents of Spirulina tablets may help in promoting energy, strength & boost immunity. Revitalising property may rejuvenate & revitalise the body & its functions. The tablets may help to increase body’s self healing properties. The antioxidant property, may help to boost immunity & protect vital organs in long standing diseases. The product stimulates metabolism, so demonstrates weight loosing properties as well.

$ 0.22
Super Greenhills® greenhills blend1mgSuper Greenhills

Green Superfood contains Wheatgrass, Barleygrass, Alfalfa, Spirulina an excellent combination for daily nutritional requirements.It provides essential micronutrients Wheatgrass rich in chlorophyll is a complete food. It may help to boost immunity, increase energy levels. Also it's an excellent blood tonic. The properties of Alfalfa may help regulate bowel movements & improve digestion. Spirulina contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll & phyto-nutrients may help in producing red blood cells.

$ 0.22
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