Generic Sitagliptin metformin - , Metformin, Metformin Xr, Janumet

Metformin metformin 500mg /850mg /1000mgMetformin

Metformin is an oral antidiabetic medication used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. It helps to control blood sugar. Treatment is combined with diet and exercise. This medicine can be used alone or with other medicines for diabetes.

$ 0.36
Metformin XR metformin 500mg /1000mgMetformin Xr

Metformin Extended-Release is an oral antidiabetic medication used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes.

$ 0.69
Janumet sitagliptin-metformin 500mg + 50mg /1000mg + 50mgJanumet

Generic Janumet and sitagliptin are oral diabetes medicines that help control blood sugar levels. Generic Janumet works by decreasing glucose (sugar) production in the liver and decreasing absorption of glucose by the intestines. Sitagliptin works by regulating the levels of insulin your body produces after eating

$ 1.40
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