Generic Punarnava extract - , Punarnava, Punarnava Vegie

Punarnava punarnava60 dpiPunarnava

Punarnava (Spreading Hogweed/Boerhavia diffusa) has many ethnobotanical uses. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable. The root juice is used to treat asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhea, rheumatism and encephalitis. In addition, the plant has many pharmacological, clinical and antimicrobial properties.

$ 0.17
Punarnava Vegie® punarnava extract1mgPunarnava Vegie

Punarnava Vegie Capsules - Kidney health Support. According to Ayurveda, Punarnava is believed to subside all the three doshas i.e Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Each capsule contains 100 mg Punarnava Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Punarnava whole plant (Boerhaavia diffusa) (8:1) (equivalent to 2000 mg of Punarnava whole plant). When assayed these capsules contain Alkaloids NLT 0.1%. The name itself suggests rejuvenation. It mainly acts on the urogenital system by removing the extra debris & strengthens the system.

$ 0.22
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