Generic Malabar nut - , Nutricoat Advance, Nutricoat, Bresol Syrup

Nutri-Coat Advance® omega 3, omega 6200g/400gNutricoat Advance

Pet Care Nutri-Coat Advance is a scientifically designed feed supplement that is a blend of the most active form of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, Omega 6, EPA & DHA. It can also be used as an efficient medicine against Pyoderma, Mange, Yeast infection, Flea Bite Dermatitis, Atopy, and most other types of fungal skin infections.

$ 37.99
Nutri-Coat® fatty acids, vitamins, zinc, selenium, lecitin200gNutricoat

Nutri-Coat Palatable Tonic Is a nutritional coat & skin conditioner that helps to correct all types of skin and coat conditions like a dull coat, flaky skin, excess shedding, and scratching caused by deficient diets. Enriched with Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids.

$ 34.99
Bresol Syrup® holy basil, malabar nut, turmeric100mlBresol Syrup

Bresol Syrup® - a potent herbal combination of Tulasi, Vasaka and Haridra. Bresol is an Ayurvedic medicine for chronic respiratory disorders, allergies.

$ 5.99
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