Generic Ashoka - , Evecare, Femohills, Menosan | Bitcoin Pharmacy

Evecare® shatavari, lodhra, vasalaka, ashoka1mgEvecare

Evecare® regularizes the menstrual cycle and controls excessive pain. Contains Ashoka, a well-known herb in Ayurveda. It increases the chances of conception and its hematinic properties are helpful in anemia.

$ 0.31
Femohills® shatavari, ashoka, kumari, ladhra1mgFemohills

Femohills Soft Capsules - Women's Health. Ayurvedic Women’s Health tonic Femohills capsule has the uterine properties of Shatavari, Ashoka, Nagkeshar may help to regulate the menstrual cycle and maintains menstrual flow. May help to nourish & strengthen the female reproductive system. The analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties of Dashamoola, Lodhra may reduce inflammation of the uterus & helps in controlling symptoms like leucorrhoea & menorrhagia. All the herbs in Femohills provide healthy hormonal balance.

$ 0.33
Menosan® shatavari, ashoka, yashtimadhu1mgMenosan

Menosan® - a herbal drug that relieves the symptoms associated with perimenopause. An herbal alternative for hormone replacement therapy.

$ 0.44
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